Survey options Load unfinished survey Resume later default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. D-CON Game Awards 2024 Over the years, participants of the TU Berlin course “Models of Dynamic Systems” (MoDySy) have created dozens of small computer games around formalisms of computation and communication. In this survey, you're asked to report your impressions about six of these games. Your answers will be used to select the one game worthy of the “D-CON game awards” in the categories fun and formalism (and overall taking the sum of both categories). The games are listed in random order. Clicking on the screenshots will open a tab with the game. If you leave comments regarding the games, they may be used as anonymous testimonials in the course showcase on . We greatly appreciate your thoughts! Crossy River (Cellular Automata) In “Crossy River”, you are to maneuver a chicken across a river, collecting coins in the process. The easier levels can be solved by walking and jumping, the more complex ones by placing bricks in the river, and the final levels require you to have the bricks transform according to the rules of a cellular automaton. How long have you played “Crossy River”? Choose one of the following answers Not at all For a few minutes More than ten minutes Only watched others play No answer Other: Is it fun? Did you feel challenged / interested in the game in its own right? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer How much do you know about cellular automata? Choose one of the following answers Nothing at all I've heard about it I have taught about it / could teach it This is close to my own research (and, likely, I could teach it) No answer How well does “Crossy River” implement the formalism (cellular automata)? Is it faithful to the formalism? Can you imagine how the game could be used to explain cellular automata to somebody? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer Your comments 360 chars. Chomsky Crush (2d Grammars) In “Chomsky Crush”, you reorder / recolor / remove sheep in a 2d array according to a set of rules for neighboring sheep. In some levels, the objective is to apply a certain kind of rule often, in others, to reach a specific shape, which can be interpreted as a word of a two-dimensional formal language. How long have you played “Chomsky Crush”? Choose one of the following answers Not at all For a few minutes More than ten minutes Only watched others play No answer Other: Is it fun? Did you feel challenged / interested in the game in its own right? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer How much do you know about formal grammars (and possibly multi-dimensional words) Choose one of the following answers Nothing at all I've heard about it I have taught about it / could teach it This is close to my own research (and, likely, I could teach it) No answer How well does “Chomsky Crush” implement the formalism (2d grammars / formal languages)? Is it faithful to the formalism? Can you imagine how the game could be used to explain “formal grammars” to somebody? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer Your comments 360 chars. GR-Island-Game (Graph Rewriting) In the “GR-Island-Game”, you move across islands connected by bridges towards a goal island with a flag. At the connection points, you can apply rules to move small islands or to turn them into big islands or bridges in order to create your path. The transformations mimic rewritings on graphs (where the islands are nodes and the bridges edges). How long have you played the “GR-Island-Game”? Choose one of the following answers Not at all For a few minutes More than ten minutes Only watched others play No answer Other: Is it fun? Did you feel challenged / interested in the game in its own right? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer How much do you know about graph rewriting systems? Choose one of the following answers Nothing at all I've heard about it I have taught about it / could teach it This is close to my own research (and, likely, I could teach it) No answer How well does “GR-Island-Game” implement the formalism (graph rewriting)? Is it faithful to the formalism? Can you imagine how the game could be used to explain graph rewriting systems to somebody? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer Your comments 360 chars. Gangs of Berlin (Markov Decision Processes) In “Gangs of Berlin”, you navigate through a series of turn-based gang fights, assembling a party. Each character's health state (that is, which attacks they are vulnerable to) changes randomly according to the rules of a Markov decision process that is unknown to you. If you meet the same type of enemy multiple times, you can see from prior experience, which attack type tended to lead to what kind of health change. How long have you played “Gangs of Berlin”? Choose one of the following answers Not at all For a few minutes More than ten minutes Only watched others play No answer Other: Is it fun? Did you feel challenged / interested in the game in its own right? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer How much do you know about Markov chains / Markov Decision Processes? Choose one of the following answers Nothing at all I've heard about it I have taught about it / could teach it This is close to my own research (and, likely, I could teach it) No answer How well does “Gangs of Berlin” implement the formalism (MDPs)? Is it faithful to the formalism? Can you imagine how the game could be used to explain MDPs to somebody? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer Your comments 360 chars. Good Bot, Bad Bot (Language Equivalence) In “Good Bot, Bad Bot”, you move the “good bot” through a graph of colored edges towards goal nodes. The “bad bots” follow edges of the same color (or explode, if there are none). If a bad bot catches the good bot, you lose. The game mechanics is close to a game characterization of language equivalence in automata / transition systems (aka trace inclusion), where the “good bot” tries to show non-inclusion. How long have you played “Good Bot, Bad Bot”? Choose one of the following answers Not at all For a few minutes More than ten minutes Only watched others play No answer Other: Is it fun? Did you feel challenged / interested in the game in its own right? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer How much do you know about behavioral equivalences and language equivalence? Choose one of the following answers Nothing at all I've heard about it I have taught about it / could teach it This is close to my own research (and, likely, I could teach it) No answer How well does “Good Bot, Bad Bot” implement the formalism (trace / language equivalence)? Is it faithful to the formalism? Can you imagine how the game could be used to explain “language equivalence” to somebody? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer Your comments 360 chars. Tempus Fugit (Temporal Logics) In “Tempus Fugit,” you play a mage who has to battle groups of monsters. Their attack strength and your abilities depend on a trace of future and past activations of tokens, which can be modified as the game progresses. The conditions are expressed in a form of linear-time temporal logic with past and future modalities. Choose one of the following answers Not at all For a few minutes More than ten minutes Only watched others play No answer Other: Is it fun? Did you feel challenged / interested in the game in its own right? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer How much do you know about (linear-time) temporal logics? Choose one of the following answers Nothing at all I've heard about it I have taught about it / could teach it This is close to my own research (and, likely, I could teach it) No answer How well does “Tempus Fugut” implement the formalism (temporal logics)? Is it faithful to the formalism? Can you imagine how the game could be used to explain “temporal logics” to somebody? 1 2 3 4 5 No answer Your comments 360 chars. Closing remarks Any general comments? 360 chars. Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Exit and clear survey Exit and clear survey Please confirm you want to clear your response?